Photo Walk : Chinatown
I was up early yesterday because I was joining a photo walk session organised by Olympus Malaysia lead by Robin Wong. He calls it "shutter therapy". The walk is popular and I am lucky I got a spot this time.
Here's an excerpt from his blog post ;
Here's an excerpt from his blog post ;
However, when I am doing shutter therapy, the main objective is actually to do whatever I want to do, and the main person I am doing my best to please is, myself.
Sometimes, I compose in a certain manner that only makes sense to me, and it does not matter because photography is a selfish game. At some point of shooting for the fun of it, I have to start having fun. I have to be the one enjoying the game, I have to do what I want to do to make the best out of the limited time I have. I do acknowledge that the photos I show here are not National Geographic worthy and will never be award-winning. Should I care about these achievements?
To me, I am just happy being able to pick up a camera and shoot. That is one of the simplest joy, and I can do that and end the day with an expensive cup of coffee.
I like the coffee ending :)
It feels good to walk aimlessly and randomly take pics.
I still like the coffee ending :)
We started off from the meeting point at Central Market and navigated our way through the back lanes of Chinatown and its peripherals, visited two Chinese temples and one Indian one along the way.
The weather was perfect for street photography. And Robin was ever so helpful, dropping tips now and then, and lending us a hand with the camera controls and settings.
I won't ramble on, so I'll post some pictures from my walk.
Pictures were taken with the Olympus OMD EM-10 and 14-42 mm kit lens.
Right weight?
Puddle ... no splashing please!
Old and new
Hoops of hopes
Smoke signal
In a row
"Bamboo" and Leaves
Along the gutter
Black and White
Divine "haze"
A journey of a few steps begins with ... coffee!
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